Thursday, June 28, 2007

how old are you?

This being my first shud have started with a warm hello to all. But i suppose its late now and i have already started typing. Neways my first blog is for ppl who write and are known as writers. Have a look at the following assertion:-

Assertion:-A writer is as old as the number of writers bloc he has had.
Reason:- A writers bloc is a state of a writer in which whatever he thinks cant fulfill what he is looking for. Whatever ideas he gets seem compromising rather than promising. Slowly he gets into a state where he feels that his mind has stopped thinking and being creative. The reason for such bloc is he wants to break free from a cocoon hence he is asking his mind to give him something that even he cant believe its his own. He wants to create something thats unique and he hasn't explored so far. Hence after clearing the bloc he has aged as a writer. More writers bloc you have had older you are.

I recently had my 2nd major writers bloc. So I am young and only two blocs old.
By the way how old are you?


Ravali said...

all the happy blogging to u :)

well..since i dont write much...and i get stuck up everytime....i guess i am as old as the earth :P

Vipin Kumar said...

Hello big man, ( i hope you get the pun )

Hello and welcome to the world of blogging. The first one of yours again says the story of all of your creations...class apart ..lovely picture of " lonely planet " ( again, hopefully you get the pun)

Anshul Singhal said...

thanx all :)

Anshul Singhal said...

u dint tell me how old r u?

life is wonderful said...

I am half bloc old...U c...the window was half open ...and i got so tired pushin it..i slept..and whn i woke was closed !!
thnx for this made me feel young again...its a nice thought too!!

Vikash said...

welcome to blogging world.
I'm young. :D
If you feel like reading hindi sometime..then visit my blog. :)

Alphoccio said...

HEy SIr.. CoOl bLOG... HappY BLoGGing... HOpe tO reAD uR bOLgs EVErY day...!! :D